Sunday, April 24, 2011

Whats New...

Ive either been really bored or I'm turning into an internet addict. I'm constantly checking my phone, my different websites for messages, not because I want to necessarily but because I want to have something to do! My soccer season is at the end, I've been doing p90x when I'm bored, I ran to the grocery store last night for junk food....ran off what I was about to eat. ha ha.
Ok this whole texting crap is ridiculous. I don't like it. Its impersonal and you don't get to really connect with the person you're texting. Slowly your close friendship is nothing more than "Hi, how are you..." "Good. You?" Frustrating. I'm jumping around all over I know.
I checked craigslist for the rants and raves, I had to join in on the party of complaining. Some of them were kind of the same as mine, others were just stupid, and some had legit reasons for complaining. This is the most non-thought out blog ever. Does this feel like you recently?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wonderful World of Boys

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. I remember telling boys that when I was in elementary school as a comeback to all the mean things they would say about us girls. Horrible comeback I know. Now a days boys make more sense, girls think they are so complicated and confusing in the signals they send. I realized it was us girls just making things they say complicated. Waiting for a text and wondering why it took him so long to write back "yea""sure""lol" and why his response was so simple. One of my friends cousins showed me a video called Harvard Sailing Team Boys Will Be Girls. It shows the roles reversed if guys acted like girls and if girls acted like guys. I loved it! Especially when the guys come back from the restroom not alone but in pairs and when they pass around the scented lotion.
Trying to overthink what guys do and say is so exhausting, take the approach of not overanalyzing and just go on with your day. Although its sometimes fun just to overanalyze and guess what he's going to do next it really is a waste of time.
Don't you hate it when the answer was so simple and you were just going in circles around it?
Love you guys
Hopefully this is helpful to some of my female friends, I'll share a few facts about guys that I've discovered through statistics. AND THEY ARE 100% TRUE.

Girls say around 20,000 words a day while guys will only say around 7,000
Girls are 51% water while guys are 62%
Guys are 3x more likely to get into a car accident than girls (don't feel bad when guys say girls are bad drivers the statistics show they are actually)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


The greatest mystery to myself. I sometimes don't know why I react certain ways or why I can't just deal with things. After being alone with myself for so long I have overcome the lonliness and when people suddenly come around its like walking out into the sun after months of darkness. I can't stand the light and have to hid in darkness again. Eventually I come out but when I come outside I find the sun is hidden behind clouds and I'm once again in the shadows. The sun won't stay out for me, the sun wont wait. People don't wait. I've been feeling this lately. There's a great guy I know and I'm afraid of that light that he might offer because its not what I'm used to. I need to be in my comfort zone right now at this point of my life, yet like I said before; the light won't wait and people don't wait.

Standing in a room with hundreds of other people and I'm still alone. I'm sure you have felt this same way. Interesting isn't it? I feel so alone in this concept and I'm not.
Sometimes I feel that when I have these moments of sadness and despair I try to create something to express myself. Recently whenever I start something it turns out ugly and pointless. I saw the movie Sucker Punch, suprisingly it was a very insightful movie about personal turmoil. About diving into the layers of yourself to protect you against the ugliness of the world.

This was a bit of a self pity moment I had. Enjoy.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Online Dating

I've had a few experiences with online dating so far in the last year. First it was LDS Singles which wasn't very eventful, second there was LDS on this website it was eventful from the very beginning I was propositioned to make out. I told the creep off before deleting my account. Recently I've been on and surprise surprise! I've been finding guys and going on dates. There's a real science almost to this online dating. Questions such as: Is the picture of the real person? How do you know they're not a psycho? How do you say you're not interested?
I've learned how to deal with these questions because I used to ask myself these questions when I first started. When someone I"m not interested in sends me a wink;) or an email and i check their profile and they're not my type i simply do not reply. This way you avoid all awkwardness and move on. Even if you get someone who emails you asking why you weren't interested DON"T ANSWER! I did this once and it was a long dragged out therapy session with the guy. If he isn't confident in himself he will ask you and you don't want to deal with a guy like that because that is not what you are looking for on a website meant to find love.
When I"m really interested in someone I request to be their friend on facebook to do a little facebook stalking. Suprisingly when you become friends with them their facebook reveals the truth and that will set you free. Somtimes they lied to you, sometimes they were being competely honest, and sometimes you are pleasantly surprised by the individual. The nice thing about online dating is it opens up this whole new world to you. Getting to know someone with no pressure is great, going at your own pace and finally seeing that you are a desired individual. I wasn't asked on many dates in high school and in my early college years they were lacking, when i started online dating it made me realize I was someone whom lots of guys were looking for. I like having the attention and can I tell you it has been a great learning experience. So ask me questions about it, I do online dating the smart way.